I have a flow which uses a custom connector. The plan is to use devops CD/CI to deploy two managed solutions one which contains the custom connector, and another which houses the flows that call the custom connector and the related canvas application. Both the connector and flow work in the dev environment. The custom connector also works from the custom connector test page in the Test environment.
However the main issue is that the flow will not run as it returns the error
Error from token exchange: The connection (connection GUID) is not found. Please create new connection and change your application to use the new connection.
If I go into the default solution with in the test environment, I can manually re-add the connection to the flow and it works fine. The issue with this is the final deployment will be over 30+ environments and possibly multiple tenants. Any advice on how to fix this issue so that the deployment of these two solutions can be automated, would be very much appreciated.
I've been able to set up a connection reference and connection settings file, my problem now, is that the flow comes into the target environment turned off and disconnected from the canvas application. Is there a way to make sure the flow is turned on at import and connected to the canvas application?
Automatic connection creation is not supported as of now. So you will need to create connections in each of those environments beforehand. Then you can use those connection ids in your deployment settings file to automate rest of the process. See this documentation for more details: