We're seeing this error intermittently today on both PowerApps we have. We connect to onprem SQL express through the onprem gateway. I updated the gateway to the latest version and the connection itself looks fine. SQL is up and running fine.
An error occurred on the server. Server Response: Could not find client certificate for gateway discovery. clientRequestId: (varies)
I get a permission denied when trying to access this link, with both my personal MSA and my MSFT FTE login. Could you please post the solution here?
Hi @Anonymous and @v-yamao-msft,
Here is the link to the replicated PowerApps thread and its solution: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Connecting-to-Data/Could-not-find-client-certificate-for-gateway-discovery/m-p/81366#M649
Since this thread has been solved from the PowerApps community side, we will mark this thread as "Solved". 🙂
-AT (Community Admin)
Hi @Anonymous,
Does this error occur all of a sudden?
Have you also updated your PowerApps to the latest version?
Please try to update the credentials for the gateway to see if it will work.
I have seen a doc on how to troubleshoot the on-premises data gateway, please check it for a reference:
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
Meant to post this in the PowerApps forum... Oops.