Good evening all. Like the subject line states what I'm trying to do....
Trigger is initiated off of 'When a HTTP request is received' which is a Sharepoint site creation.
Then the flow gets file XML file content and provisions template to the newly created site.
After that... I'm stuck. I can 'Get notebooks' and it see's all the notebooks. But what I want to do is create a few sections in that newly created OneNote 'notebook'. I feel like this should be straight forward but I've been at it all day and my eyes are starting to go cross eye'd.... HA!
Any assistance is greatly appreciated! TIA
Hi @ACinOKC ,
I'm afraid I can't know if there are any parameters in the request that can be used to filter out the newly created notebook. Is there any relationship between them?
If it has one, you can use the Filter array to filter the notebooks in the Get notebooks action and get the expected one through the filter conditions.
Then configure the Create section in a notebook with the obtained notebook key.
Because the Get notebooks action can only get the key and file name, excluding parameters such as creation time, it is not possible to obtain the newly created notebook by created time.
Image reference:
Best Regards,