I am trying to create a solution where I can get all items in a list and then delete them using Microsoft Flow. For automating this process, we want to use a list that has fields for Site Url and List Title. I intend to use these values in the 'Get Items' action to get all the items. But when I use these dynamic values in the action, I get a Bad Request error about the SharePoint Site Address being not valid when I know that url is valid. The exact error message I get is below:
Any help is appreciated.
I am sorry but I thought I had redacted the urls so no one could see them in the pic. And the urls have no characters like that in it. I have tested the url by pasting it into a browser too. Url is valid.
I am not 100% its the root cause but i am seeing %25E2%2580%258B getting appended to your site url. Can you please try clicking enter custom value option for Site URL parameter and then manually enter your site url?