I'm still quite new to power automate and expressions in general, so this may be an easy question.
I'm trying to use the Select action to make a new array out of my existing array. This I could manage by using the correct item() function, based on the property name that I need. My problem comes when i only want a certain key filled if a condition is met.
In this example I'm trying to get some data out of system. For ease of understandig the data is 'ProjectResponsible', 'ProjectType' and 'Price'. My keys are 'Title' and then the differenct project types. Since title corresponds to 'ProjectResponsible' it's easy to get out dynamically. The tricky part is the different project types. My end goal is that I want the 'Price' of the given 'ProjectType' if the 'ProjectType' matches the name in the key of my select function.
I know that the if() expression needs a boolean value to determine the results, but is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
I hope it makes sense, and that someone can help make sense of it for me :)