Hello all,
I work for a large organization and have built a lot of flows for people that run off of my connectors. The people I have built them for are not tech-savvy and wouldn't know how to maintain the flows or copy them over under their own credentials, which is why the flows have remained under my connectors. Pretty much all of these flows are built off of SharePoint lists that the individuals in this organization use for their own purposes and I have no hand in other than having built the flows for them.
I didn't realize this until the other day, but my name gets stamped on any item that gets cycled through the flow as if I had modified it. And it does this for each time the flow runs for that item. This is not a good thing at all given the line of work I am in and I cannot have my name plastered all over these list items as if I had directly modified them when I have, in fact, not.
Is there a way in the flow itself to either remove the modification stamp altogether or change the name of the modifier to something generic like "system modified" or something along those lines? Or is there something else I am missing here?
I have done some digging at my organization and have found out that this is a feature unavailable to me due to our current licensing, so I no longer am in need of a solution, I guess. 😆