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File not found error due to the file route cannot able to define

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Hi Experts,
I am trying to move a file from one library (sub folders) to another library (create new folder and move) and i am getting this error on Get file content action.
identifier from get files (properties only) 
Until Create new folder action worked well , it created the new folder with first word of the folder.
INPUT :                                                                                               OUTPUT :
only folders are copied but inside GRB files library , all the folders are having files inside it .
those files are not able to get . for eg : below the files inside Apple GRB Today folder , only .docx files needs to be moved to respective Apple folder in GRB Clients library
Please help to achieve this ..
  • DineshK_ Profile Picture
    DineshK_ 191 on at
    File not found error due to the file route cannot able to define
    @Pstork1  I have tried some other way but still the route is not defined correctly ..
    below the flow and we are saving the mail attachments into the input folder , from there i want to create a new output folder date wise and move the file into the created output folder , until folder creation was done but still the get file having issues .
    INPUT :
    OUTPUT :
    Please help to fix this ..
  • Suggested answer
    Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,523 on at
    File not found error due to the file route cannot able to define
    In your screenshot it is showing the file identifier for a folder, not a file. I suspect your Apply to each loop is looping through the files and folders. You may have to check the IsFolder property on the item in the loop before trying to get the content.

    If this Post helped you, please click "Does this answer your question" and give it a like to help others in the community find the answer too!

    Paul Papanek Stork, MVP

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