Good day and thank you in advance for any assistance or suggestions you can give me.
I'm currently building a team ticket site using the standard MS HelpDesk template, and I would like to create a flow for automating an email notification to a single address when a ticket has been open for 2 hours from the time of creation. All tickets would ideally be subject to this flow.
As of now, the tickets are categorized for different issues, with rules sending emails accordingly, and I have a column for (open/closed).
What would be the most practical way of accomplishing this?
I can think of 2 ways to run this. However, they may not work for you depending on how you manage or create items. You will need to adjust the flows depending on other criteria or conditions that you are trying to check or manage.
I'm going to give the basic flow options below:
1. Using a 2 Hour Delay action on each item. An example would be When an Item is created, it is set to Open, then a 2 hour delay step is inserted. After the 2 hour delay, you need to add a Get Item action, to get the item again which will allow you to check and see if it has changed. If not, then you send the notification email.
2. Using a recurring scheduled flow on all items. This scheduled flow would run every 2 hours. It Get Items from the list that had a status of Open. Then you use a condition to check a column like OpenDateTime to see if it is greater than 2 hours and then send an email.
So those are basic examples, but they would be streamlined by adding additional columns to the items that can be checked or filtered to narrow down how notifications are sent.
An advanced way to think about it could be additional columns like "Status", "StatusDateTime", "OpenDateTime", and "ReminderDateTime" SharePoint list columns.
So you can use the OpenDateTime column to determine when the item was opened and then send a reminder email. At the same time the reminder email is sent, you can update the "ReminderDateTime" column. You can then use this "ReminderDateTime" column as another condition check. Like you can send reminder emails based on the time the last "ReminderDateTime" email was sent.
Does that make sense? Trying to be simple so you can build on the idea