Now this error makes senses, however, my action (Zip Files) works if I zip a subdirectory within the folder I'm trying to zip in entirety.
I have a large folder structure (C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects) containing several arcgis projects. Each project folder has a folder structure of it's own and some files can be large.
My action is set as follows:
Archive path: C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\
File(s) to zip: C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\
Run like this, I get the error:
Correlation Id: 113afcbd-0f94-4667-9cab-a0b17ec9307c
Microsoft.PowerPlatform.PowerAutomate.Desktop.Actions.SDK.ActionException: 'C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\' already exists but it isn't a valid zip archive
at Microsoft.Flow.RPA.Desktop.Modules.Compression.Actions.ZipFiles.Execute(ActionContext context)
at Microsoft.Flow.RPA.Desktop.Robin.Engine.Execution.ActionRunner.Run(IActionStatement statement, Dictionary`2 inputArguments, Dictionary`2 outputArguments)
HOWEVER, if I simply select a subfolder inside (aka, one of my individual project folders) it works just perfectly.
That is, if the action is set as follows:
Archive path: C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\
File(s) to zip: C:\Users\Mike Bosko\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Lnaches
I'm assuming this has something to do with the folder's size (~40gb) - vs the size of a single project folder (~4gb). I'm just not sure how to nail down what is causing this error. I **can** zip the full Projects folder manually without issue.