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Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

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I have a workflow that uses the "send email with options" action and options of Approve,Reject (the "approval" workflow action doesn't work for us, as we need to send a custom e-mail with HTMl, etc.). The workflow is automatically selecting "Reject" and proceeding through to the end without waiting for user input.


Is there something I'm doing wrong, or something that needs to be configured?


Thanks in advance!



  • Gezd Profile Picture
    Gezd 17 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    Ahh, same issue.
    Thanks Moths

  • Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    This was driving me mental!!!! so glad I found this post - THANKS @Moths ! doing this - Solution: In the advanced options set "Show HTML Confirmation Dialog" to "Yes". - worked!!!!

  • Moths Profile Picture
    Moths 8 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    @ACalderonCW I had the same issue. It turns out my company email filter (mimecast) was checking all links in all emails. This resulted in the first option always being returned.


    Solution: In the advanced options set "Show HTML Confirmation Dialog" to "Yes".


    The user will now have to click an extra button to confirm their response so it will not be automatically triggered by the email filter.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,741 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    Over active malware detection is the only thing that I've seen that causes this symptom.

  • ACalderonCW Profile Picture
    ACalderonCW 6 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    Thanks again for the prompt replies.


    The e-mails are actually coming from my e-mail account (and appear in my "sent items" folder), not the Microsoft Flow system. Is there anything else that could be at issue?

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,741 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    If you are using the Send Email with Options then the workflow won't progress until it recieves a reply.  So even though the users are getting the email delivered there is clearly some kind of response going back to the workflow from the mail system.  The fact taht these are internal users doesn't change that since the email is coming from Microsoft Flow (external) rather than an internal mailbox. You still need to have your Exchange Admins checking on the mallware protection settings in Exchange online.  Because even though the mail is being delivered some kind of response is being automatically sent back to the workflow.

  • ACalderonCW Profile Picture
    ACalderonCW 6 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    Thanks for the quick reply! I actually should have been clearer: The e-mail isn't getting rejected (these are all internal users); in fact, the users are in fact getting the e-mails. The issue is that they're not clicking "approve" or "reject," but the workflow shows that the user has selected "reject" (in a previous version of the workflow, it was automatically selecting "approve").


    So to recap, the workflow is proceeding as if the user made a selection when no selection was made.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,741 on at
    Re: Send email with options automatically selects an option without waiting for user input

    I've seen this before with other people.  It has always been tracked down to the email system of the recipient being overly careful with incoming email.  Because the email has option in it that return a choice the email system perceives it as some kind of malware and instantly rejects it.  You'll need to work with the email admins of the recipients to find why its being rejected and whitelist the Flow sending address so that the mail gets delivered.

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