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Bot Analytics

How are the numbers calculated?

Posted on by 2



I'm fairly new to Bot analytics. Our company has just create a new Chatbot on Teams and I've been asked how the percentages are calculated? For example the resolution rate graph is heading up but the percentage is down by 7%.



Another example.... Escalation rate chart is going down but the percentage has a up red arrow?




I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who is able to point me in the right direction on how the numbers are derived.


Thank you,


  • YinOnn Profile Picture
    YinOnn 2 on at
    Re: How are the numbers calculated?

    Hi @renatoromao,


    Thanks for your speedy response.


    Had a look at the video in your link and found it extremely useful. Tried using it on PVA on Teams but it looked very different.  I'm unable to create a PowerBI Dataflow to my Instance but I was able to connect using PowerBI only to find that the conversationtrnscripts table is empty. However, I did manage to locate my bots in the bots table.


    So close yet no cigar. Could creating the chatbot on PVA on Teams be the issue? Perhaps all these data is not made available on PVA on Teams?




  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,762 on at
    Re: How are the numbers calculated?

    Hi @YinOnn ,


    Microsoft has provided a solution to export these dashboards and customize them within the Power BI.

    Take a look at the documentation below, I think that you can see the calculation formulas, and let us know if you need anything else.

    Custom Analytics solution for Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Power Virtual Agents 

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