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Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

Posted on by 46

Hey everyone, 


I am currently working on an implementation of a date-picker in PVA, I've managed to get to the point that I can get the adaptive card to show up in PVA just fine but I have run into multiple issues which I think are just due to my lack of understanding when it comes to adaptive cards. (


What I want to do is let customers put in holiday requests through PVA by:

- Showing a date-picker to let a user pick a holiday start date

- Passing this value back to PVA and confirming the date with the user

- Repeating the above two steps for an end-date. 


Then pass the start-, and end-date (ideally formated as DD-MM-YY) to a flow that checks the difference between these dates (using ticks) against a user's available holidays, and then tells a user whether or not they can actually make the request. I've gotten all these flows to work just fine, and can show the date-picker in PVA. 


I have two major issues: 

1. I don't know how to pass the value back to PVA, I've tried to use global variables but this has not worked, see: 


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? I thought it may not loop correctly, or may not actually set the value right using turn.activity, I was mostly following the microsoft documentation ( and the other examples. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here, and maybe show an example of how to do it right? 


The second issue I have is that I cannot seem to call the same adaptive card twice, even if I have made a new dialog in Bot Framework Composer that is a copy of the one showing the adaptive card: 


Please ignore the hard-coded dates. 🙂 Here DateCard and DateCardEnd are separate dialogs in Bot Framework Composer (and therefore topics in PVA) but the second one is skipped as you can see. 


I hope someone can help me understand this better, and everyone else that might want to do this (though I hope that PVABuild22 might make all of this easier). 





  • anemptyhead Profile Picture
    anemptyhead 2 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    Hi, I am using adaptive card for datepicker for my bot made with RASA, and using bot framework for MS Teams channel. I am not able to send back the user selected date to my RASA Actions backend through tracker. 

    Can I get help in understanding how to send back user selected data through datepicker in context of RASA Bots running on Microsoft Teams? Below is the code to my adaptive card: 

    adaptive_card_json = {
     "type": "AdaptiveCard",
     "$schema": "",
     "version": "1.3",
     "body": [
     "type": "Input.Date",
     "id": "requested_departure_date",
     "title": "Select a date:",
     "value": "2023-08-01",
     "min": "2023-01-01",
     "max": "2023-12-31"
     "actions": [
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "Submit",
     "text" : "August 23, 2023",
     "channel": "botframework",
     "id" :"requested_departure_date", 
     "data": {
     "value" : "/modify_departure_date"
     "style": "positive"
     message = {
     "type": "message",
     "text": "Here is the calendar:",
     "attachments": [
     "contentType": "application/",
     "content": adaptive_card_json


  • rubengzz7 Profile Picture
    rubengzz7 29 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    hello bro! i have another issue moreless related to this... you know how could I solve it?

  • deceparis Profile Picture
    deceparis 46 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    @rubengzz7 , very happy you managed to figure it out, the whole adaptive card thing had me really stuck for a while. In my case I had to send the adaptive card twice (once for a start date and then another time for the end date), so I copied the topic and made sure to change the IDs so that they are not identical otherwise it skipped for me anyway (as I guess the adaptive card believed that it had already been run, even if it was two different topics). Hope this thread helps someone else! 

  • rubengzz7 Profile Picture
    rubengzz7 29 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    Update I managed to avoid the bot from skipping the question.. 


    I open the code on the Create tab and then changed the variable 

    alwaysPrompt to true. It was in false.

    Hope it helps for someone!!



  • rubengzz7 Profile Picture
    rubengzz7 29 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    thank you very much! with your help I finally made it :D.


    Im experiencing another issue now because of the logic of my flow. I need to put a date range... for example from 01/01/2022 to 05/08/2022 and my plan was to send two times the adaptive card but the bot is skipping the second one and later on the log it says Traced in a previous run 😕 Maybe there is an adaptive card that ask you for the range to avoid this problem... or what else could I do?

  • jdee111 Profile Picture
    jdee111 71 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    Thanks!! I tried it this way round too 😄 




    Seemed to be happy enough!

  • deceparis Profile Picture
    deceparis 46 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    @rubengzz7 Ah, but there's progress! I have a flow running in the start that fetches user information based on their name etc.. You need some way of initializing the variable, you can do this by adding a 'ask a question' and just using the variable there, or get a flow running. Then you need to change the variable in there to be a global variable 


    So you could do something along these lines if you don't want to use a flow: 


    Note that I have turned this into a global variable by allowing external sources to set the values (just click on the variable and change the settings for it)


    @jdee111 so that is what I used, a global variable initialized by a flow (Power Automate), but if you can't use power automate (or it gets too expensive) just make a question topic I think. Not even sure if you could make a topic like that, and keep it empty otherwise with triggerphrases no one will ever get to, just to have the variable initialized. 

  • rubengzz7 Profile Picture
    rubengzz7 29 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    Thank you for the response. I copied the code except from the line you told me not but im having another error after selecting the date on PVA 😞


    We ran into a problem executing your composer dialog. The variable 'TryDate' cannot be set because it was not defined and doesn't exist in this bot
    Sent at August 23 at 3:24 PM
    Bot true said: Sorry, the bot can't talk for a while. It's something the bot's owner needs to address. Error code: 2023. Conversation ID: 2u4icdGcnrD1AXceuQcXWI-us. Time (UTC): 8/23/2022 9:24:34 PM. The variable 'TryDate' cannot be set because it was not defined and doesn't exist in this bot
    Bot true said:
    Sorry, the bot can't talk for a while. It's something the bot's owner needs to address. Error code: 2023. Conversation ID: 2u4icdGcnrD1AXceuQcXWI-us. Time (UTC): 8/23/2022 9:24:34 PM. The variable 'TryDate' cannot be set because it was not defined and doesn't exist in this bot


    I think the problem may be in one of this boxes



  • jdee111 Profile Picture
    jdee111 71 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    This is great - how did you get to pass the value back to PVA?  I see you used virtualagent.TryDate... did you use a bot variable?

  • deceparis Profile Picture
    deceparis 46 on at
    Re: Using Adaptive Card date-picker to pass back input to PVA and showing adaptive card multiple times

    Hey @rubengzz7 , 


    Have you added the adaptive card under 'Bot Responses'? My code there looks like: 

    # adaptivecardjson_datecard()
    - ```
     "$schema": "",
     "type": "AdaptiveCard",
     "version": "1.0",
     "body": [
     "type": "TextBlock",
     "text": "Date Input"
     "type": "Input.Date",
     "id": "date",
     "placeholder": "Enter a date",
     "value": "2022-01-01"
     "actions": [
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "OK"
    # AdaptiveCardDateCard()
     Attachments = ${json(adaptivecardjson_datecard())}
    # DateTimeInput_Prompt_f5dxDn()
    - ${AdaptiveCardDateCard()}

     I think that is what you're missing, if you look at what my Bot Dialog then references where you get the error: 


    It is that same DateTimeInput prompt that is all the way at the end of my code snippet. If I recall correctly this was created automatically for me the first time I actually called the date card. I basically followed the Microsoft guidelines: (1-4). I don't think you can copy my entire code-snippet, but most of it (everything except the last block starting with #DateTimeInput" as that is created by the dialog calling the card itself. 

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