Hello -
We have a newly developed flow with multiple conditions to upload files via FTP to different subfolders (Azure Files site) based on the name of the file. Generally, this flow works great without issue. However, we're seeing some intermittent failures when reviewing flow run results with the following error:
"status": 401,
"message": "Missing or incorrect credentials.\r\nclientRequestId: {id removed}",
"error": {
"message": "Missing or incorrect credentials."
"source": "{ftp address removed"
However, the file does indeed still get properly processed and copied into the destination FTP folder which is nice, but the flow errors mean we have to manually check each file to confirm if it actually went up or not. I have tried to delete the condition, re-add it which works sometimes but the intermittent error returns. I've also tried to manually re-select every FTP folder/subfolder when browsing which again has mixed results.
Has anyone else experienced a similar issue with flow failures over FTP when in reality the files make it to their destination properly?