I have a folder in SharePoint that contains Excel files. I want to grab one of those files. I have successfully configured the Location, Document Library and File parameters using the interactive dropdowns. But I need to use Env variables for the first two and pass in the third as a parameter to my flow. I know the third one works - I've tried it with the first two still configured using dropdowns.
My string for Location: https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/MYSITE
My string for Document library: /Delade dokument (I'm in Sweden...)
My string for File: /subfolder1/subfolder2/myfile.xlxs
I have tried lots of permutations with/without leading slashes, substituting slashes and blanks with %codes but to no avail. I just get "The provided drive id appears to be malformed, or does not represent a valid drive." errors.
Any help much appreciated!