Hello together,
I have a problem with including a checklist from SharePoint into my app. When I refreseh the data-sources from the app, the element doesn't show up. My SharePoint-list looks like this:
The two columns "Schulung" and "Workshop" are checklists. Like i've already mentioned before, they are not included into my app. The settings of the two columns look like this.
Also i'd like to know if it's possible to give those elements in the checklist a value. With this value i'd like to make a summary of the marked elements in a separate field, in which the total of the dedicated values is shown.
I hope my question is understandable.
Thanks in advance,
Hi @Maurice,
When you say checklists, do you mean the Choice field in SharePoint list?
For the issue here, do you mean the choice field can't be shown within the App created in PowerApps?
Currently PowerApps only support to display single values of Choice field:
For Choice columns, the Drop-Down Menu or Radio Buttons option under Display choices using must be selected.
This is documentated in the following official article:
Connect from Microsoft PowerApps to SharePoint
Further, for available fields, currently there are some issues displaying the newly added fields in SharePoint list from PowerApps, and the product team is investigating it:
SharePoint list connection no refreshing
For your current situation, please take a try to delete the data source and add it again with the existing app, or generate the a new app from the modified list.
The fields the nshould be able to show up.(you may need to choose Unhide it from the options of the form control.)
If you need any further help on this issue, please feel free to post back.