I am having an issue with not being able to connect to Office 365 Outlook.
I keep getting the following error when trying to Office 365 Outlook steps.
Test connection failed. Details: Unauthorized clientRequestId: e277b445-6ee8-96d7-db97-aaebdad686bc serviceRequestId: 790f0904-9275-c7c4-81e9-236bc7edb9ae
Any ideas whats going wrong or how I can fix this?
I am just a personal user - free power automate user - trying to connect to my outlook 365 account (with 365 personal subscription).
Hi @AiMe,
Actually, if you only have a person account for Office 365 Outlook, you could use the Office365Outlook service like sending and receiving emails, however you are unable to use it in Power Automate because you should have license for Power Automate, that's why the connection error reports the Unauthorized clientRequestId.
You could use the Power Automate developer plan.