Anyone seen an issue where get-rows from an excel table using the iso8601 date time format suddenly stopped working?
I was using this successfully for months and suddenly this has now stopped returning the standard date from and reverted back to using the serial date. This has completely broken my flow made it completely unusable. At this point it will require an entire rebuild of the work flow to use a date conversion function as there are several actions built in after this initial early step, any help would be very appreciated.
P.S I have tried reacreating a trigger and regreating the list rows action to no avail.
Yes this is exactly how the flow is configured but its now suddenly returning serial dates. I have also created some brand new flows and tested against multiple tables and facing the issue across them all, serial date every time
Hello @Roisinc21
To add some more context - You are using the List rows present in the table and setting the Date time format to ISO8061?
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