I have a very simple manual flow to test out an API request I was working on for a much larger flow. I am a Project Collection Administrator, and have Third-party application access via OAuth enabled on my Azure DevOps Organization.
I've tested this exact endpoint via Postman (via Basic Authentication with a Full Access PAT) and it seemed to work, but for some reason OAuth in PowerAutomate doesn't recognize my permissions.
When working on the steps the authentication seems to be working fine, it's just when the flow runs is the problem.
The Azure DevOps API endpoint is: /_apis/userentitlements?doNotSendInviteForNewUsers=true&api-version=4.1-preview.1
Note that I've replaced sensitive data with dummy info:
Request Body:
"from": "",
"op": 0,
"path": "",
"value": {
"accessLevel": {
"licensingSource": 1,
"accountLicenseType": "Stakeholder",
"msdnLicenseType": 0,
"licenseDisplayName": "Stakeholder",
"status": 0,
"statusMessage": "",
"assignmentSource": 1
"user": {
"principalName": "fakeuser@gmail.com",
"subjectKind": "user"
"projectEntitlements": [
"group": {
"groupType": "projectContributor"
"projectRef": {
"id": "ProjectId"