I have a flow that monitors a job board and inserts a line on a spreadsheet with the date published, URL of posting, and a description/summary. The dates started coming in BEFORE I even setup the flow. For example the flow was started in November and I have a posts with a date from February.
I think what is happening is that the job site allows users to recyle postings so they are using a posting that was created in February for their latest posting (which is separate and different from the original post). How do I get my flow to indicate the correct date (if a post is made/updated today the date should be today)?
Currently if you modify the trigger in any way then its state gets cleared. However even if the trigger state is cleared it should not return old items, only new. In your case you received old items only because the RSS feed returned items to the connector, the latest of which had 2016-01-27 23:18:33 publish date (this call was on 2016-12-01 16:41:29 when the flow was modified and trigger state was cleared). Therefore if the RSS feed contained proper publish dates of the items on 2016-12-01 16:41:29 you wouldn't receive those old items.
I do not see an option to 'clear' anything through my edit flow GUI. If this is happening I do not know what to do to prevent it should I need to modify the flow in the future.
Are their any behaviors I can take to ensure this does not occur again?
Yes, thank for providing those details!
Ok, lets consider the key points of the flow runs (all dates are in UTC):
Here we have two main points why you received items created in February:
Is this the URI you are looking for?
Hi @ASHAtemp,
Currently this RSS feed returns 15 items, where the minimum date is 5th of May 2016. I've verified that the trigger works correctly for this feed. Could you please provide your flow ID (you can get it from URI when you click on the flow) or connection ID (also you can get it from URI when you click to the connection), so that we could investigate our logs exactly for your case and find out the reason.
This is my third attempt to reply to this posting. I must be doing something wrong.
The RSS feed is:
Hi @ASHAtemp,
Could you please share the RSS feed URI? Then we could look at RSS feed response and investigate deeper.