I'am trying to get response data from MS forms to Excel. All is going well with the "text" question in Ms Forms. I get the text in Excel, but with the Likkert questions (optionbuttons) i get not the results i wanted. I my excelsheet shows
"id": 3,
"order": 1.0,
"answerOrder": 0,
"displayText": "Optie 1",
"invalid": false,
"url": null,
"description": null,
"symbol": null,
"symbolColor": null,
"isCustomChoice": false,
"customProperties": "{\"IsGenerated\":true}",
"key": null,
"image": {
"altText": null,
"contentType": null,
"fileIdentifier": null,
"originalFileName": null,
"resourceId": null,
"customProperties": null,
"resourceUrl": null
I want to show in that cell which option is selected.
Who can help?
Hi @Niwde,
When testing it on my side, I got the same issue with you.
I have seen a blog on Parsing Microsoft Forms Likert questions using Flow, please take this blog for a reference and have a try with it on your side:
Best regards,
Mabel Mao