I am currently using a push notification to enter name, email, date and time into an excel row.
Any suggestions how I could then use microsoft forms to update that same row, with answers filled out in the form?
Any advice will be highly appreciated 🙂
Thank You
Hi Kris
Thank you so much for the very detailed response 🙂
I believe you have gotten me one step closer, a big step closer 🙂
However, I am using Excel Online (Business).
What can I use instead of the 'Get Rows' that you suggest?
Get tables or get worksheets? 😐
Perhaps list rows present in tables?
Thanks again
Hi @Anonymous,
Could you please share a screenshot of your flow's configuration?
Where does your excel file store?
Could you please show more details about your Excel file and Microsoft Forms/
I have created a Excel file and a Microsoft Forms on my side, the data structure of them as below:
I assume that each record in your Excel file has a unique ExecutorEmail, in addition, I assume your Excel file is stored in your OneDrive folder. If you want to update same row in your Excel file using data from your Microsoft Forms, I have made a test on my side and please take a try with the following workaround:
Add a "Get rows" action, specify File name and Table name. Add a "Filter array" action, From set to output of the "Get rows" action, within condition box, left input box set to ExecutorEmail dynamic content of the "Get rows" action, right input box set to Executor dynamic content of the "Get response details" action. The add a "Condition", click "Edit in advanced mode", type the following formula:
Within "If/no" branch of Condition, add a "Apply to each 2" action, input parameter set to output of the "Filter array" action. Within "Apply to each 2" action, add a "Update row" action, specify File name and Table name. the Row id field set to following formula:
Image reference:
The flow works successfully as below:
Best regards,