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Power Automate - Using Connectors

Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

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Hi Power Automate users,


We have been able to connect to Oracle Database successfully by using 'Get Rows' Connector, but the additional connector 'Execute a Oracle Query' which seems to be a new feature, is failing with a timeout Error. Is some one facing the same? How can this be resolved? Unfortunately I don't see any documentation about this feature as well. Can some one please help me out.


Sample Screenshot :






  • aronkaczur Profile Picture
    aronkaczur 8 on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    Same issue, was this ever fixed? 

  • larsTsch Profile Picture
    larsTsch 2 on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    same problem 😞 

  • Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    I am facing the same issue with Oracle DB.

  • Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    We were also facing same issue, We were trying to execute select sequence.nextval from dual in a power automate flow and sometimes it takes more than 5 mins with multiple retries. The only solution we came up is to execute the flow at landing page or on the App start, It take a while to load the App but after that it's okay

  • pauper Profile Picture
    pauper 4 on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    Sorry for opening an old thread. I am also struggling with this. When I fetch a table it works. If I try to execute a query (for example select systime from dual) I get the badgateway error. The gateway was updated today to latest version. I have read the instructions referred to over.


    Any help will be received with thanks!

  • Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    If it helps anyone...the important piece is that the query times out after 110 seconds, so you'll never get all the records. It this is incorrect, feel free to correct and help out with a workaround. 

  • oleig Profile Picture
    oleig 4 on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    I have the same issue. Any help appreciated. 

  • Pratik_Patel Profile Picture
    Pratik_Patel on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    Can you share the Flow details (FlowId, RunId, etc) with us so that we can take a look on our side? One more limitation is that the stored procedure needs to return within 110 seconds or so otherwise the action will time out. This limitation is mentioned in the link that Katrina shared above.

  • FoDelement Profile Picture
    FoDelement 435 on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    Did you ever get an answer to this? I am having the same issue and meet all the requirements suggested by @katwan 

  • Verified answer
    katwan Profile Picture
    katwan on at
    Re: Oracle Connector - Execute a Oracle Query (Preview) - Bad Gateway Issue

    There are limitations to use Oracle connector and this feature ( Please make sure you have met all these requirements.

    1. Oracle native query is supported with the following limitations:
      • RefCursor is not supported.
      • OUT parameters are not supported.
      • Only one result set can be returned.
      • Gateway version 3000.63.4 (October release) or later is required.
    2. Minimum supported version for Oracle server is version 9
    3. Minimum supported version for Oracle Data Access Client is version 11

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