Hey! So I have a Sharepoint list with several date columns. Two of them are the Proposed date of solving an issue ('Proposed Date'), and another column is the date that the issue actually gets resolved ('Resolve Date')
I want a conditional that checks if the Resolve Date comes after the Proposed Date. How would I accomplish this?
I tried this conditional, putting the two dates apart and in betwen an "is greater than":
However, I get this error: Unable to process template language expressions for action 'Condición_2' at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'greater' expects two parameter of matching types. The function was invoked with values of type 'Null' and 'String' that do not match.'.
Checking with ChatGPT it says that I should use the dropdown option "after" or "before", but at least that's not in my options.
You can check if:
coalesce(Resolve_Date, '1800-01-01')
greater than
coalesce(Propose_Date, '2200-01-01')
The coalesce() function checks if the value is null and if so returns the second value.
Otherwise the original value is returned.
In other words, if a value is null, set it to a very low or very high value to ensure that the condition returns false.
Yeah, I was imagining one was Null, but how do I fix that or how do I create the Condition I need?
One of the values you want to compare contains no data (is null).
I doubt ChatGPT can help you here.