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Power Automate - Building Flows

Dataverse flow not using correct @odata context

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I'm getting an error in a flow that retrieves the odataID for a row from one Dataverse table (Dockets) to enter into another (Requests). The Update Row operation fails with this error message:
AbsoluteUri - should contain ServiceRouteUri -
Indeed, when I look at the output of the Get Dataverse Row action, it is returning the context string around v9.1
That sounds like I've failed to install an update somewhere. But I've checked all my D365 apps and installed any available updates. What else am I missing? Is there a Power Automate update that I've missed?
  • StewC Profile Picture
    StewC 93 on at
    Dataverse flow not using correct @odata context
    @KT-07052127-0, Thanks! Yes, that works. To make it clear to others: use the plural table name with the Row ID, not the full OData ID, in the parens.
    Another solution I came up with (before your reply) is to build a revised OData ID using Compose with a static context string (the 'https://...api/data/v9.2/contacts()') and inserting the row ID.  But your solution is safer than using a static string.
  • Verified answer
    KT-07052127-0 Profile Picture
    KT-07052127-0 15 on at
    Dataverse flow not using correct @odata context
    I've seen this when I'm trying to relate or connect two records. 
    You have to use the plural name of the entity on the form. 

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