Hello, I am using flow automate to send Introductory emails whenever a new employee is added to teams. The issue begins in that I need to send multiple attachments so I was forced to use the "Send an Email (V2)" action versus the "Send an Email Notification (V3)" action since the latter doesn't support multiple attachments. The main issue here is that the emails are sent on my behalf through my outlook account but I want the emails sent on my supervisor's behalf. How do I modify the connection so that it sent from someone else's account? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I also tried to use the "From (Send as)" field but was given the error "You are not authorized to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account."
Then you have to assign yourself send as/send on behalf of your supervisor right.
Could you explain further? I need to send documents with the emails so that's why it is a must.
Hi @salieri,
could you still use "Send an Email Notification (V3)" action but don't attach anything but use the links inside the body text?
Hi @salieri
Because of security, what you are trying to do is not possible, only if your account is allowed to send emails on behalf of your supervisor's account, this is a configuration from the Outlook side, Flow is only showing the error because of this security limitation. The flows will run under the context of the user that triggered the Flow, in this case, your account so the emails will be sending from your account.
Best Regards,
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