I have a child flow that takes email attachments as an input (below). This child flow checks for each attachment whether it's a .pdf file - if all attachments are .pdf's, the mail will be marked as read. Otherwise, the mail remains unread. For this, I'm using a variable called 'readMail', which is initialized to 'true', and is to be changed to 'false' if a non-.pdf attachment is found.
(The actual conditions are a lot more complex than this)
The issue is that while I'm able to pass the readMail variable to the child flow, it shows up as Dynamic Content inside the child flow, so I can't update it.
My other thought was to initialize a variable inside the child flow, and only put it in the response if the conditions aren't met, but responses must always include the same info for a Status code.
So I'm at a bit of a loss here. I can't initialize a variable inside the "Apply to Each" block, but I'm also unable to modify variables initialized outside of it.