In the digital era like today, the internet is a means that goes hand in hand with our lives. With the internet, we can open websites which are one of the most frequently accessed platforms to search for various information and means of communication.
Similarweb data has summarized the ranking of the most visited websites in the world. In this list, there is no doubt that Google is certainly confident in occupying the leading position. Check out the complete list of the top 7.
The phrase 'ask Google' seems to have stuck with the world's citizens. There is no doubt that Google is at the top as the favorite internet site for world citizens. Where there were 88.3 billion visits throughout January 2023. Not without reason, every time we want to search for something, the first thing we use is Google.
Of all the browsers, Google has the advantage of providing many features in it. So it's no wonder that many people have switched to Yahoo users since the browser was still struggling with a conventional system.
In addition, Google itself is the front door for Android smartphones, in fact the Android brand on the market is widespread. Google marketing via Android is one of the steps that makes people more comfortable using Google as a search engine.