I get this error every time that I get an item (on Get items function) with special characters. How can I make it accept fields with accents?
In this case I get a name "DCSI-LAGOA(SÃO MIGUEL)" wich have accents and give me this erros:
InvalidPageResponse. This response is not a valid paginated response. Specified nextLink "https://flow-apim-europe-001-westeurope-01.azure-apim.net/apim/sharepointonline/shared-sharepointonl-616464a8-0c19-45cb-b581-b18fafee5da2/datasets/https%253A%252F%252Fmontepio.sharepoint.com%252Fsites%252Fintranetcemgq%252FNegocio%252FPrecario/tables/4cfbffbd-e1d8-43a1-aa6a-c4bd2acee9db/items?$filter=Balc_x00e3_o+ne+%27DCSI-LAGOA(S%c3%83O+MIGUEL)%27&$skiptoken=Paged%3dTRUE%26p_ID%3d12097" is not a properly formatted URI.
Hi @Animoroly ,
I suggest you use the filter array for a try.
Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Zhongys
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