I have a sheet with the columns #, Date, Channel, Category, Title.
I am trying to copy rows which have the 'Date' column greater than a deadline date into another new sheet.
I have created a flow which runs successfully but doesnt update anything.
Perhaps the condition I am using may be incorrect. Can someone please help with this?
Flow image below -
This worked with the below condition -
@greaterOrEquals(formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')?['Date'], 'yyyy-MM-dd'), formatDateTime(triggerBody()['date'], 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
Hi @mowgli512,
You said that the flow runs successfully but doesn’t update anything, please make sure there are items that matched the condition.
I have made the following test.
Before creating the flow, I have created an Excel table with the columns you mentioned, and I formatted the Date column as type of Text.
Then configured the flow likes below. Input the following code in the Condition in Advanced mode:
@greater(formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')?['Date'],'yyyy-MM-dd'), triggerBody()['date'])
When the button is clicked, all the items that matched the condition will be saved from Table2 to Table1.
Please try again with it on your side.
Best regards,