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Power Automate - General Discussion

How to delete data from specific range of cells?

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Hi everyone,


I want to create a scheduled flow to delete data from a specific range of cells. 




For the above table, I want the flow to automatically delete the data in the "Available hours" column and leave it blank. 


Looking forward to your replies! Thank you!

  • calinpff Profile Picture
    calinpff 27 on at
    Re: How to delete data from specific range of cells?

    Thank you very much for your help, Grant! It finally worked. 🙂 

  • calinpff Profile Picture
    calinpff 27 on at
    Re: How to delete data from specific range of cells?


  • calinpff Profile Picture
    calinpff 27 on at
    Re: How to delete data from specific range of cells?

    Hi @grantjenkins ,


    Thank you for taking the time! 


    I'm adding the string('') expression for my row, however it doesn't stay there after saving the flow. It gets deleted. 


    Thanks again!


  • Verified answer
    grantjenkins Profile Picture
    grantjenkins 11,057 on at
    Re: How to delete data from specific range of cells?

    This is how you might be able to achieve what you're after. However, this assumes all the Names are unique and not null.


    For this example, I'm using the following Excel Table. I'll be clearing the Amount column values.



    See full flow below. I'll go into each of the actions.



    Recurrence will run on the schedule to suit your needs.



    List rows present in a table will retrieve all the rows. Note that by default this will only return the first 256 rows. If you have more rows than this then you can set the Top Count to cover the rows you have. I've set mine to 5000 (max you can have) just as an example.



    Apply to each will iterate over each of the rows.



    Update a row will update each of the rows using the Name column to uniquely identify each row. This is where it's important that each of your Names are unique and there are no blank names. To update the Amount (remove the value) you would use the following expression.




    After running the flow we would have the following table (Amount values have been cleared).


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