Hi there, I was wondering if there was anyone that could help me with mapping an excel column to another column in sharepoint, via powerautomate. I need it so that anytime a new record is created or modified, this column from excel populates the other column in sharepoint with values. For example, I have a tot. cost column in excel with various costs, and in sharepoint i have a tot. cost column without any values/data present. I would like to populate my sharepoint column with the costs already present in the excel column. That way when a new record is created or modified, in the tot. cost column populates for each row the values from the excel column. This will be helpful to do a cross check in the future, where I can subtract the tot. cost from other costs present in the sharepoint list. That way the SUM should be equal to the tot. cost value present in the tot. cost column. I was watching a Youtube video, but they were working with multiple columns and it got confusing, I just need one column. Also, what would the next person after me do, if I happen to be absent? How would they do this operation, seen as this kind of mapping would occur on a monthly basis, and each excel file is different. Meaning that I could map the current excel file, but next month another excel file with different tot. costs would have to be mapped.
Thank You and feel free to ask for clarifications,