I have this simple flow
I get this txt fra web in 1 row and 1 colum, how can i use data individually. and put them in variabler.
@Lars5 - I am very glad to see your solution.
I considered suggesting the same option, but I'm uncertain about how your web application will react if certain values are not present in those UI elements.
Please ensure thorough testing by fetching the correct values in different iterations.
Hi Deenu
I find a solution
Hi Deenu
thanks for your help.
The problem is that several of the fields are like dropdown elements and no value appears when I point to simple Ui elements.
But if I take it all together, they come together fine and it doesn't look so messy. as each field comes on a new line. But it all comes together in one field in the table
I hope it makes sense
@Lars5 - No problem. Thanks for your details.
If the item isn't in the table, we must individually extract each UI element, saving its value in a variable for further manipulation.
Please refer to the images below to see how I extracted my phone number from the Salesforce application and stored it in a variable named 'phonenumber' in the PAD flow.
If all the values aren't present in the table, you can't extract all those fields in single go. Doing so would result in messy, unformatted data.
Hi Deenu
I apologize for my lack of explanation. I am a little limited in my English
Unfortunately, data from the web does not come as a table. I think.
I have attached a screenshot of the web when I try and pull data.
And what comes when I press value. If I choose table I don't know what else to do
If I grasp your situation accurately, you aim to retrieve data from a web application, yet the extracted data appears unformatted.
Should the data be in a table within your web application, you can extract it as a variable (datatable). Then, utilizing a loop, you can effortlessly assign it to variables. Kindly consult the attached screenshot for a step-by-step guide.
For guidance on extracting data from a web page, please see the following Microsoft link: