Hi there,
I am looking to create an automatic flow that will send me a Microsoft Teams message once a column in an Excel spreadsheet is changed to a specific value (the spreadsheet is located in SharePoint). I think I have the basics of it put together but I am struggling with the more detailed parts of it. The purpose of this flow is:
I am using an Excel spreadsheet as a tracker. So, when I have new clients coming in, they will be added to this spreadsheet. I will be changing the Status column in the spreadsheet each time the file hits a different stage until I am finished and the file is complete. I want the flow to send me a Microsoft Teams message when the Status is changed to a specific value. I am having the following struggles when testing this flow:
- Each time I update my spreadsheet, my flow runs (which makes sense because the trigger is set to run when the sheet is modified) however, if I update more than one row and set the Status column to the specific value I want that triggers the Teams message, it sends the same row information since the flow starts from the top of the spreadsheet. If the flow has sent me a message about one row already, I don't want to get another message about it when the flow runs again. Basically I just want the flow to pick up where it left off in the spreadsheet and look from there down instead of the full table. (for example: if I update row 3 to the specific value and get a Teams message for that, the next time the flow runs i want it to look from row 4 down...as right now if i change row 3 and and then row 5 I will get one message with just row 3 and the next time it runs i will get another message for row 3 and a message for row 5). Is it possible to get this specific with power automate when reading a table?
- I will be updating this spreadsheet constantly throughout the day so does that mean this flow will run all throughout the day as well? Is there a way I can delay to flow to only run when the Status column is changed to the specific value I want?
I have attached pictures below with how I currently have my flow setup.
Thank you in advance.