Hi all,
I have two SharePoint lists below:
LIST2: ‘DisplayName’ and ‘Company Name’ are text type columns.
LIST1: save data from LOOKUP form, ‘Email’ = Responders' Email (Email address of responder who submitted the form). ‘Company Name’ is a lookup column form the LIST2
My flow is below:
Company Name Id field: items('Apply_to_each')['ID']
It's now working now and I don't know where I went wrong, could you please check and advise?
I tried to delete the lookup columns and add it again, it works fine now, thanks.
Hi @kinghnvn
Is your Email column changed by Title column?
In general, we do not recommend modifying sharepoint column names, which will cause many unknown errors, you can try to add a text column named Email.
Best Regards,
No Sir, it's showing the Title only
Hi @kinghnvn
Do you have Email in your dynamic content, maybe you can use Email instead of Title.
Best Regards,
I have just double check and update the same the title name is Email but still the same the issue.
Can you please check again?
Hi @kinghnvn
The Title column of List2 does not have the same email address as the responder.
Best Regard,
Hi Levi,
Output is empty, your advise please. Thanks.
Hi @kinghnvn
Please check the result returned by Filter array to see if the result is empty.
Best Regards,
Hi Levi,
My flow ran successfully but the value not found in SharePoint list
Hi @kinghnvn
Based on the screenshots you provided, I don't see a problem.
Please tell me where your problem is so that I can help you better.
Best Regards,