I setup a workflow which sends a reply if a keyword "help" is posted. However, the reply itself also contains the word "help" which then triggers and endless loop of bot messages
I thought to add a contrition which checks whether the message is posted by a normal user (then reply) or by a bot (don't reply), however I can't find to set such a condition
I guess I am too lazy to go through all that work. You taught me something as well 🙂
Ok I guess I found it, using the webapp and navigating to the Workflow "user" where I can find a "slug" in the URL. However, I see that when I write a message, the workflow runs trough, when I then do a reply it fails
Request to the Bot framework failed with error: '{"error":{"code":"ServiceError","message":"Unknown"}}'.
Run the flow once without any checks. Check the output of the trigger and look for this section:
That ID should be the ID of your workflows bot.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your help, not sure how to do that - I am very very new to the PowerBI stuff. I can see the workflow runs and see the input and output of each run, but somehow I don't see the ID of the "Flow bot"
You will first need to find the ID of the bot, then add the following to your trigger condition:
@not(equals(triggerOutputs()?['initiator']?['user']?['id'], '213f53bf-7e17-486f-b792-c410b4e10cc9'))
You can find the ID of the bot by having the trigger execute on a bots response at least once, and go into the output of the trigger to find the initaitor ID.
Hope this helps!
You could add it to the trigger condition.