So Im getting better at using flows and have a few questions relating to admin and governance at a low level.
Thanks in advance.
Can we use any form of version control on flows? This means if we break one or one of the team does, we can go to last known version
[Krishna] Currently Power Automate is not providing version control for flows. The only way to keep a version is export the flow OR save the flow as different copy. But, Power Automate version is in the MS road map for release very soon.
Can we give a graphical view (other than snipping) to show others or document the flow (like Visio for example). This helps when keeping reference for why flows did what.
[Krishna] There is no such feature as of now. Some flows can be small but some other can be huge. I do take screen shots if flows are small.
Can we add comments to flows to remind ourselves or others why we did what we did ?
[Krishna] No such option as of now. I believe this feature will be released along with version feature.
Krishna Rachakonda
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