*Edit* - Nevermind. Found an older post mentioning it's a screen/browser window resolution issue. Too small of screen = what I see below.
I'm not sure when this change happened, but when I went to create and edit my Flows today, the Dynamic Content picker is completely changed.
This selector pane has no option to enter a custom Expression.
Does anyone know how I can get the other one back?
Hi @Anonymous,
It's purely a browser/screen resolution issue.
Make your browser window bigger and/or increase your screen resolution.
I know this was a couple of months ago, but how did you fix this?
Edit: I've now fixed this too - it changes between menu options depending on the size of your window. Returning to a fullscreen view went back to the previous UI. Seems silly that the minimised version reduces functionality by not being able to enter custom expressions.
Nevermind, fixed it myself.