Hi Guys,
I created a new solution and from within my new solution I did:
Add Existing > Automation > Cloud Flow,
I then selected a flow from another solution. It was then visible in my new solution and I assumed I had made a copy of it, however when I run the flow in one environment, it also runs in the other. It looks like the flow hasn't been duplicated at all and I am really confused by this behaviour.
What is the simplest way to move a flow to a new solution?
You should try and look into "Microsoft ALM".
I also had a kind of similar setup like yours in the beginning with 1 environment. Then i started some Microsoft Learn courses and in one of those courses came this topic, so i restructured my entire setup, which had many business critical flows running already. And i'm happy with how it's working now 🙂
Nope, I had to create a completely new flow and copy paste each component from my old flow, a total pain.
Hi JimJim, I have exactly the same situtation (I only have 1 environment it is provided by my business).
My MASTER DEV solution has x60 flows. Which I maintain. I was using Save As and then Add existing to do what you are asking, but I have recently used this method, it does add the flow to the solution but keeps it linked the source.
Did you solve it?
hi, please advise the steps for "quick fix is to duplicate the cloud flow and add the copy to your solution"
Hey Jim,
When adding a flow to the solution, you're adding the original flow not a copy. You'll notice that when you share the flow with an internal party as well, any edits they make to the flow will reflect in your flow as well. I'm not sure of your use case, but a quick fix is to duplicate the cloud flow and add the copy to your solution. This flow is now siloed from the original and will not update when any edits are made to the original.
Hope this helps!
I think we may have got ourselves confused, just to clarify, I only have one environment. Within that environment I have a solution named Dev and a solution named Production, I want to move 3 flows from Dev to Production (within the same environment)
I'm now guessing that this isn't the best set up 😟
@Mira_Ghaly , thank you for explaining, I now understand.
The issue I have is that I only have one environment and was planning on using 2 solutions (one for dev flows and one for production flows).
Please follow the below steps:
1. Go to make.Powerapps.com
2. Select your Environment-> Dev in this case
2. Click Solutions ->New Solution-> Give it a name and Save
4. Click Add Existing and choose your flows
5. Click on Export solution the solution will be download
6. Switch your environment to the Production
7. Click Import and choose the solution
After the solution is imported -> Open each flow and make sure it is turned on.
Hope this helps you!
Sorry, I'm completely lost. Do you have a blog or video you can point me to?
No you don't need just create a new solution and add the flows you want to move the 3 flows and then export the solution from Dev and import to production.