If anyone wants a comma delimited CSV reader / parser using only the standard actions in Power Automate that can also handle larger files, in-data commas, and in-data line-breaks, then try this template flow:
Excel "Get Rows" action is not longer available.
Use "List Rows Present in a Table" instead.
You can use Parse CSV action from Plumsail Documents connector. It allows you to convert CSV into an array and variables for each column. Please read this article demonstrating how it works.
Once you parsed CSV you can iterate through result array and use this data to insert into SQL table.
Hello, I think I can help you with this issue.
If you use a tab delimited file instead you can try this.
Hi Kris,
Is there any limit on Number of Rows that can be inserted in to the table at a time?
Can you please explain, How to convert CSV files into Excel files Automatically..
Is there any option (or) connector available?
Hi @Marco_h,
Do you want to insert the data of CSV files into a SQL Table?
There is no way to analyze the data of a CSV file in Microsoft Flow currently, you could consider convert CSV files into Excel files manually and then we could insert the data of Excel files into a SQL table in Microsoft Flow.
If you have converted CSV files into Excel files, please take a try to insert data into a SQL Table with the following workaround:
If you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:
Best regards,