Scenario: We receive an emailed spreadsheet from a large vendor containing purchase order data. A Flow picks up the spreadsheet, takes the row data, and adds it to an internal system. Several columns have custom cell formatting.
Issue: Around January 26, the Flow started failing when working with several of the columns of data (quantities or currency amounts). The issue is that the fields are interpreted as serial numbers and converted to dates.
Example: A cell with value 4 is returned as 1900-01-03T00:00:00.000Z (Custom cell format for the column is [$-en-US,1]#,##0;-#,##0)
Nothing has changed with the formatting of the columns and cells of the affected columns. Comparing versions of the spreadsheet pre and post-issue, the formatting is the same. The DateTime Format of the 'List rows present in a table' action is set to 'ISO 8601' and has not changed.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? We found setting the cell format to 'General' fixes the issue (quantity and currency values are read as numbers and dollar amounts, respectively). However, I have not found that you can change cell formatting in a cloud Flow. Since the spreadsheet comes from a large vendor, changing their side of the process is not an option (for example, setting all columns to general formatting).