Hi guys!
First of all, I am new in this Power Automate field and I got interested to learn more about it.
May I know, can power automate make a clock-in clock-out message to the Microsot Teams 'General' channel?
As you can see my attached image. Every day, each of my company staff have to send a message 'clock-in - Work From Home' or ' clock-in - Work From Office' and clock out message in our 'General' group channel so our admin can trace our attandences.
So, is there any way for me/us to just click a button in Power Automate apps in the phone when we have to clock in & out, and an automated message will send into the 'General' channel?
Looking forward to learn more about the flow and power automate. Thank you
Hi @sambr ,
It works!! haha thank you bro 😆
I also make another version which I think it much easier and less click.
😁just learn a new things today. 😊
You could either do two very simple flows - one for each possibility, or create an instant (button) flow with a yes/no option when selected to choose if you are working at home or in the office. Here is the second option:
Trigger with a yes/no option
Initialise a string variable called e.g. "location"
Use a condition to branch the yes/no (returns either true or false so this is what you use to compare to)
In each branch set the variable "location" to either "from home" or "at the office"
Outside the condition, use Teams "Post a message in a chat or channel"
Select to post as a user (meaning as yourself), in a channel, then you can select the group and channel that you require.
Lastly as the message you can use a default string "Check in - working " then your location variable will finish it off with either "from home" or "at the office".
While testing you could change the Post message to send a message as the Flow Bot to you personal messages to check it's working as you expect.
Hope this helps!