Hi, I have three flows that triggered by "When an appointment is created", "appointment is updated", and " appointment is canceled" respectively.
All three have been working perfectly fine.
But today, "when appointment is updated" stopped working. I tried re-selecting the booking page in the trigger as shown in the picture below, but it did not help much. Sometimes, it somehow retrieves a run from 9-15 minutes ago. This happened twice today right after I re-selected the booking page address in the trigger. Can Microsoft take a look at this trigger?
BTW, "appointment created" and "appointment cancelled" still work great. Only issue is with "when appointment is updated".
Nope. The Microsoft technical support team just basically told me that they can't fix it and told me live with it.
I have the same issue. The appointment created is also working for me. Just the updated appt trigger not working. hae you fixed yours yet?
Would love an answer to this as I have exactly the same problem