I am building an offboarding automation that uses an HTTP POST request to disable a Jira user account.

The blacked out portion is our API key. The account ID is pulling in correctly. All of the information in the request has been verified by Jira support as correct. However, I am getting this error when I the flow reaches this step:
"key": "badRequestFormat",
"context": {
"message": "Invalid content type (application/octet-stream). These are valid: application/json"
"errorKey": "bad-request-format",
"errorDetail": {
"message": "Invalid content type (application/octet-stream). These are valid: application/json"
This process works just fine for enabling accounts but not disabling accounts. I can also run this code in cURL and it runs successfully. Has anyone run into an issue like this? Is there a way to change the content-type so that Jira accepts the request?