I have a flow, when a form is submitted add the details to two excel tables. The first table, simply add a row (successful) the second table uses list rows present in a table, filter array to determine if the 'Employee Name' already exists in the table, then using a Length(Body(Filterarray) condition, if no (0) name does not exist add a row (successful), if Yes (1) name does exist update row.
While testing the flow did all required actions, added a row if name not found, and update the row of the matching name. However, the flow is reporting
"Action Failed"
Excel table already has a row with id 'Chase Austin '.
clientRequestId: a6b33ffa-a465-4cc2-9550-4ba0ff6315ac
I would like to eliminate the error so that I can tell when an actual failure occurs. Would a terminate action be helpful here?
Any help appreciated!