New to Flow: I was trying to follow Shane's video PDF Flow and bumpted in to problem half way where my flow just don't seem to resemble his demo that I am not sure where I'd made a mistake and the 'add dynamic content' feature is not available from my work (second screenshot is the demo from video). Need advice.
I report that this bug is still active on Power BI Desktop.
Bei g new to Powerautomate in PBI , after a few days of work with Power Automate embedded - on PBI Desktop, i suddenly was missing "dynamic content' when building a flow pipeline.
The solution described above solved my problem.
Try zooming out the page to 75% or less and exit/enter the field again - the dynamic content should appear.
Ridiculous bug.
P.S. Also, if you are using Firefox, there may be additional difficulties with entering the expression - switch to Edge or Chrome.
I still can't to see "add dynamic content". Why?
Completely agree!! I'm just starting with Flows and 'maximizing the window' just to see "add dynamic content" is just one of the only counter-intuitive points to beginners in Power Automate --- I spent *some time* to find this solution... You should let a mark / icon in order to alert users that options are missing, and lead them to click to maximize or change their resolution...
Thank you in advance for this future improvement
v-bacao-msft I've also been having this problem. I'm new to Flow, and I have been reading all this information about 'Dynamic Content' and getting so furious, frustrated, confused and unhappy that it couldn't get any of it to work anywhere. But, your suggestion to maximize the window worked perfectly andthe dynamic content options now show up where I expect. I'm very relieved to have an explanation and a fix, so thank you.
On the other hand.. ARE YOU KIDDING??????
Hi @Anonymous ,
Please maximize your browser window to see the same content.
Best Regards,