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Power Automate - Using Connectors

Is there a limit to how many times Power Automate can refresh a Power BI report?

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Hi All, 


I have a Power BI Pro license and am wondering if anyone knows if there is a limit to how many time the Power Automate "Refresh a Dataset" action can be performed on a Power BI semantic model.


Thanks for any feedback!


  • Suggested answer
    lbendlin Profile Picture
    lbendlin 7,597 on at
    Is there a limit to how many times Power Automate can refresh a Power BI report?
    Please note that there is no such thing as "refresh a Power BI report".  What you refresh is the underlying dataset, the so called semantic model.

    On a Premium capacity there is no limit. But you need to be aware that "Refresh a Dataset"  is wrongly worded.  What it should have said is "Request a Semantic Model Refresh".   That's all it is - a request.  You can issue as many requests as you want.  This does not mean that the Power BI service will a) accept the request, b) work on the request or c) successfully complete the request.  There is also no guarantee on how long the refresh attempt will take.  The Power BI Service will either ignore or queue new requests when an existing request is currently being processed.
  • VA-31070842-0 Profile Picture
    VA-31070842-0 37 on at
    Is there a limit to how many times Power Automate can refresh a Power BI report?
    Hello @v-yueyun-msft ,
    Thank you for your reply to Aurora's post. It helped me understand why my I had troubles viewing updates of my power bi visual in my power app.
    I have another question. This limit, is it per user or per day no matter what the user is
    For example : 
    Scenario 1 - I have refreshed 8 times already but another user refreshing too will be able to do so despite me having it done 8 times
    Scenario 2 - I have refreshed 8 times and refreshes won't be available anymore no matter what the user is.
    Thank you
  • Verified answer
    Re: Is there a limit to how many times Power Automate can refresh a Power BI report?

    Hi , @Aurora 

    Power Automate refreshes datasets using Power BI's Rest API for refresh. So if your dataset is set in a pro workspace, Power BI limits datasets on shared capacity (Pro workspace) to 8 times daily refreshes.

    If the dataset resides on a Premium capacity, you can schedule up to 48 refreshes per day in the dataset settings. 

    For more information, you can refer to :
    Greater control of your Power BI Datasets with the Power BI REST API - Altis - AU (



    If this reply can help you , you can click mark this reply as solution (Accept solution) which can help more people, thanks in advance! 


    Best Regards,

    Yueyun Zhang


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