Hello. I have a flow that adds a watermark to a pdf. For this, I'm using plumsail.
This works fine, the only issue is that I am using a trial subscription and once it expires the flow no longer works. Is there another way to add watermarks to a pdf but for free?
I looked at all of the options given by flow and from what I could tell, they all seem to require a paid subscription to continue using.
Is plumsail the best one out of these? Is there a way to do this in Flow without a paid subscription? Thank you.
Thanks for suggestion AnjelikaCh, I will look into it. I appreciate it!
Hi there,
the Plumsail Documents connector works great for applying watermarks. I know that if you don't need a full pack of actions, and are going to use just one action, you can contact the team and negotiate custom pricing, which is quite flexible.
Any update on this? I'm trying to find out if there is a free alternative to a watermark as well.
Thank you so much!