Hi @s_mat,
The issue is confirmed on my side that approval email would display "\n" instead of new line in the outlook online.
The approval notification would works fine on the local outlook and approval center.
I have reported the issue to my product team, if the issue is solved,I would reply here.
Best regards,
Same problem here
Following the documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/flow/approvals-markdown-support) I tried to press enter, two spaces before enter, press enter two times :
- Each time I have the correct rendering if I press « show original message »
- But in the default render, it shows « \n » instead of line break and « \u0027 » instead of « ' »
- However, when I try to make a word « **strong** » for exemple it works fine
This topic is similar to this one : https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Flow-Discussion/Markdown-rendering-not-working-in-some-approval-mails/td-p/165072
The problem is with the outlook interpretor for Flow's approvals.