I'd like to delete a planner bucket using Graph and the "Send an HTTP Request" from O365 Groups. Can someone please walk me through the steps?
As "Send an HTTP request " is no longer available I've tried to use Send an HTTP request V2 as it has the same Image
This returns an error. It seems it only allow for Groups related calls.
Are we now forced to build a custom connector using the Graph API?
Hi @karimabdelrazek,
You can use the same approach as in your Delete plan thread 😁.
Use a GET plannerBucket to retrieve the e-tag . Use the e-tag value in the If-Match custom header to Delete the plannerBucket.
If-Match: @{outputs('Send_an_HTTP_request')?['body']['@Odata.etag']}
@Expiscornovus . Want to try your hand at this one as well?