I have a fairly in depth flow that failed the other day. After investigating, it seems the error is related to an action creating a document in OneDrive. Screenshots below:
I've never seen this error before and it only appeared one time in a series of runs. So I am hesitant to believe that the issue is the Connection or my credentials. It's odd to me that the flow ran at approximately 1:00pm but this access token that was unusable was terms from 5:39pm to 6:44pm.
Can anyone help me with understanding what this error is / what caused it and how to insure against it in the future?
This doesn't seem to line up with the fact that it only happened for a single run of this flow? And the dates referenced in the token don't match the timestamp for the run or the actions within it. What is that about?
Hi @ZachJayy
Thank you for posting.
If you encounter access token expiration error. There is no good solution for that as this is system security mechanism by design.
This is access token lifetime limitation and we are not able to configure from user side. Thus, you could only update or create a new connection to the connector before the Flow Access Token Expires as workaround.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Hope the content above may help you.